How are email labels applied in Gmail

Actor AI applies labels to your emails in consideration to the following rules.

This works by default to any gmail account.

Default Actor AI Email Labels

Default AI Actor labels with description

You will see those labels added under your gmail account, like below:

Actor AI labels inside Gmail account

How are actor applies. Actor AI analyzes email content and based on information it adds the email into one or two of the labels. (It should never add more than 2 labels to a single email).

1. Urgent = Time-sensitive or high-priority emails that requires action as soon as possible

2. Follow Up = Email requiring a response from the user

3. FYI = Informational email requiring no action from you

4. Meeting = Emails related to meetings or online calls

5. Finance = Email is about financial matters

6. Travel = Email regarding travel plans or bookings

7. Promotion = Emails related to marketing or deals

8. Notification = Automatic emails that include various updates from online tools

9. Outreach = Emails received as part of sender outreach effort